At The Base Day Care we will always try to provide the service(s) as best as we can and have agreed to in writing. As a parent you can always discuss new ideas with us and we will see if we are able to meet/apply them.
In some situations you might like to file a complaint. We want you to know that you can file a complaint and the below outlines expectations and how we will handle your complaint.
You are able to file a compliant by filling in the complaint form which are available in the day care group or you can ask for one from the supervisor.
- We would like to receive the complaint in writing so we are able to keep a record of complaints, as well as how the complaint is handled.
- The owner of the day care will get involved and conduct thorough research about the complaint.
- The owner of the day care will keep you as a parent up to date about the process and regulations that are relevant to the complaint.
- We wil try our best to make sure that the complaint is addressed and rectified as soon as possible, if not at least within six weeks.
- The owner of the day care will come up white a reasonable solution constructed with good reason and how to rectify the complaint within a set period of time.
If the above process does not meet your needs, you can always send a complaint in writing to De Geschillencommissie, which is an external complaint commission that will be able to help you if you feel that the people at day care can not do so.
In the beginning of every new year we will make a short review and show you complaints that we received internally or that the Geschillen Commissie has handled externally in our newsletter. The last few years (2014/2015/2016) we did not received any complaints.